I'm Ari, but I've gone by Strawberry too. (Just depends on the platform!) That fluffy haired lass on the right is Boink. She's kind of my mascot these days. And my sona. Both.
I'm pretty shy with new people, and a little overformal. I can get really impatient too, but I'll still do my best to listen to all someone has to say. But overall, I'm introvert-coded with the dreams of an extrovert. I'm a Christian in faith, and a hobbyist at heart. (I have a lot of hobbies.. a LOT. It's getting out of hand. Here's just a few of them;)
I tend to jump from one thing to another, probably way too often. (Hyperfixation issues do NOT help there :/)
With more daydreams than I can count, and idea notebooks filling up by the day, there's nothing my galaxy brain won't jump on, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing!